Amber Daniels
Harrisburg Pennsylvania Ambassador
Amber Daniels is a native of Sacramento California currently resides in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. She is a graduate of Merced College with a degree in Early Childhood Education . Amber is currently studying at Harrisburg College to earn her degree in Nursing and works for UPMC at Harrisburg Hospital.
When she is not working or in class she spends time with her family. Amber can be found putting God first in everything she does. She enjoys traveling, cooking, joining in community activities and volunteering groups, supporting and empowering and ministering to women living with mental illness and all walks of life. One thing that Amber is passionate about is helping others who have suffered from a mental illness because sometimes life has left a hole in a persons heart that needs healing or someone to tell them they are not alone. Everyone can’t understand or relate or don’t want to take the time to help, but Amber once felt alone in that area and now she’s supporting others.
“God has had his hands on my life in my mothers womb and I am here to share my story with others not to judge or look down on but help uplift a sister or friend”. Amber joined Brown Skin Brunchin because “I love people and enjoy good conversations, good food, positive atmosphere and I is looking forward to grow our platform of Black/Brown skin women, we all have a strong impact on each other when we do things together, we encourage our families, husband’s, men and communities. If we can do this together we can do anything.
Thank you for having me, LETS BRUNCH”!!