Tanisha Prins
Gulf Coast Ambassador
Tanisha Prins was born in Panama and raised in Brooklyn, NY. She is Afro-Latina and currently resides in Biloxi, MS.
She has her undergrad in Health Care Administration from Roger Williams University and her graduate degree from Loyola University in Social Work. Tanisha had been serving in the military for over 23 years and is currently a Naval Officer in the United States Navy. When she is not leading Sailors or guiding her 18 year old son navigate life, she can be found cooking, volunteering at the USO and other places, doing hair, improving her professional development or working on her book. She loves to read , travel and spending time with family and friends. Tanisha learned and became a member of Brown Skin Brunchin when stationed in Virginia and once realizing it was time to move again, wanted to continue that camaraderie and fellowship she had with the women no matter where she was! This led to her looking for a BSB in Mississippi and realized none was in the state. She knew she wanted others to know there is a connection even when you move, like she has over the years or others to include other members of the Armed Forces.
She is looking forward to making memories and life long connections with like minded women!